About The Museum of Automobile Art & Design
Please consult the following pages for information about MOAAAD by selecting from the links in the menu system above or the titles of the summarized information below. Please contact us with any questions or insights related to the MOAAAD collection by using our Contact form. We welcome your feedback as well as knowledgable insight to any of the materials presented on our web site. |
The Museum of Automobile Art and Design (MOAAAD) is an evolution and convergence of a life-long appreciation of the arts and a passion for all things related to the history of the automobile. We believe the MOAAAD collection and web presentation to be unique in presenting the artistic accomplishments of automobile artists and designers. |
The mark of the automobile is on every facet of contemporary life. Its mark is on our social and economic structure from the smallest scale of the family to that of our nation. This brief introduction discusses the overall significance of automoble art and design. |
There are many excellent books and periodicals relating to the automobile and the many people who have been instrumental within the automotive industry. We have relied upon many of these works while reseraching the MOAAAD collection and encourage our visitors to enjoy these published resources. |
While the MOAAAD collection grows and our website evolves to present the artwork and related materials in ever more interesting ways, we welcome your input and offer suggestions for getting the most out of your time on our site. |