Welcome to the MOAAAD Galleries

The museum's collection has been organized into the following galleries. Each gallery has a fundamental theme and all relate directly to the overall understanding of automobile art and design. Please select from any of the gallery links in the main menu system above or review the following summaries which explain the types of works to be found in each gallery.

Artwork Collection Gallery

Artwork Collection

The heart and soul of the museum's collection is here in the Artwork Collection Gallery. These works are all original, hand drawn or illustrated by the artist. In some cases these works became the creative basis for an actual production model automobile. Regardless, they were always of vital importance to the industry.

Streamlining History Gallery

Streamlining History

The concept of streamlining has its roots in art as well as science. Explore this gallery to see the diversity of creative energy that has been applied to this practice as well as the diversity of thought. You may be surprised by how long streamlined vehicles have been in the works.

Styling Models Gallery

Styling Models

Models have been used in the design, development and manufacturing stages of the automobile industry for many years. They allow the designer to refine dimensions and adjust contours while keeping an eye on the stylistic elements thought to be most important. The images in this collection are all taken from original 3-dimensional styling models.

Prints Gallery


The prints gallery contains works which include images of automobile illustration and design. While possibly not as important or interesting as original artwork, they nonetheless should be included in any study of automobile design.

Photographs Gallery


Since its invention, the camera has been used to record history and create artistic statements. These original photographs provide a historic insight into the results of the automobile stylist's work. They are often all that remains to record the original designs. Many of the photos can stand alone as art, in and of themselves. The photographer used these images as artistic expression.

Miscellaneous Collection


Items with historic interest and reference value, this collection includes published material, original patent documents, advertising pieces, magazine articles and advertisements, sales literature, and other reference material.


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